Volume 51, Issue 3


Article 110 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982 and Jurisdiction Over Vessels Without Nationality (PDF)
by Rob McLaughlin

Trade and Morality: Balancing Between the Pursuit of Non-trade Concerns and the Fear of Opening the Floodgates (PDF)
by Regis Y. Simo


Enabling Competition Through Cooperation: Combatting Cartelization in Europe With a More Cooperative Enforcement Program (PDF)
by Sydney Smith

Kicking It New School: Applying the FIFA Regulatory Model to the eSports Industry (PDF)
by James A. Ingram

The Global Compact Commission: Taking the Necessary Step to Realize the Commitments Behind the New York Declaration (PDF)
by Barbara Horne-Petersdorf

All Bark, No Bite? Proposals to Transform the Clean Company Act Into an Effective Anti-Corruption Tool (PDF)
by Carina Tenaglia

Book Note

The Trump Administration and International Law by Harold Hongju Koh (PDF)
reviewed by Benjamin Helfand