About the Journal
The George Washington International Law Review is a student-published journal that presents articles and essays on public and private international financial development, comparative law, and public international law. The International Law Review is published quarterly. Additionally, the International Law Review annually publishes the Guide to International Legal Research. The Guide is an authoritative and comprehensive reference tool organized by geographic regions and substantive areas of international law. The International Law Review is staffed and run by GW Law JD students selected as a result of their academic achievements and their performance on the annual writing competition.
Founded in 1966 as Studies in Law and Economic Development, the International Law Review has also published as the Journal of Law and Economic Development, the Journal of International Law and Economics and the George Washington Journal of International Law and Economics.
The current Editorial Board selects a new Editorial Board each Spring Semester. The overall objective of the Editorial Board, however, is publication, and each Editor has the responsibility of furthering that goal. The responsibilities of the various Editorial Board positions are discussed below.
Editor-in-Chief (EIC):
The EIC oversees all operations and activities of ILR and acts as our representative to the deans and faculty. The EIC awards or denies academic credits for ILR membership and counsels Members and Editors in fulfilling their ILR responsibilities. Further, the EIC coordinates inter-operational activities, including new member selection, with other journals at The George Washington University Law School.
Executive Managing Editor (EME):
The EME ensures that ILR functions smoothly and efficiently by coordinating the publication schedule, supervising Editors, Members, and Associates, finalizing all below-the-line edits of published pieces, and interacting with authors during the substantiation process.
Executive Articles Editor (EAE):
The EAE recommends Articles for publication, supervises three Articles Editors, and advises on Note publication. Further, the EAE prepares the publication and copyright-transfer agreement to be executed by the author and the EIC and continues to maintain a working relationship with the author throughout the editing process. The EAE also performs a final edit before sending the Articles/Notes to the EME for substantiation and Bluebooking.
Executive Notes Editor (ENE):
The ENE oversees the Note-writing and Note-publication processes and is the liaison between Members and their Note Adjunct Professors. During the Note- writing process, the ENE will oversee his or her own Notes Group, performing all of the duties expected of a Notes Editor.
Executive Guide Editor (EGE):
The EGE is responsible for updating ILR’s Guide to International Legal Research, maintaining a complete index for the Guide and providing annual supplements or editions as requested by the publisher. The EGE also assists in each year’s new member selection by working with the GW Law Review’s Senior Notes Editor to prepare and run the new member journal competition and transfer journal competition each year. Each year’s EGE will work with the incoming Editor in the spring to coordinate the journal competition.
Executive Production Editor (EPE):
The EPE performs a final edit of all published pieces. The EPE also reviews and approves hard-copy proofs from the publisher before all materials are printed in their final form.
Executive Diversity Editor:
The EDE is responsible for ensuring a diverse and inclusive presence on ILR. To accomplish these ends within ILR the EDE is responsible for leading the Diversity and Inclusion committee; planning events to promote diversity and inclusion; managing bias incidents; working with members to manage appropriate extensions; and other tasks to be determined in consultation with the EIC.
Managing Editors (MEs):
The MEs coordinate and distribute source collection and substantiation assignments to Members and Associates. The MEs ensure that all assertions made by the author are substantiated by the sources cited in the Article or Note. The MEs review all citations in Articles and Notes before they are edited by the EME, EPE, and EIC, scrutinizing them for Bluebooking, grammatical, and typographical errors.
Articles Editors (AEs):
AEs provide detailed reviews of article submissions for possible inclusion in the journal. After articles are formally selected, AEs work with the authors and perform line edits to correct spelling, grammar, Bluebook, style, and punctuation errors. The AEs also perform a structural edit by adding headings, suggesting section reorganization, and moving text to footnotes and footnotes to text to ensure that Articles and Notes read smoothly and have substantiating citations.
Notes Editors (NEs):
The NEs work with Adjunct Professors and assist Members throughout the Note- writing process. The NEs direct Note writers to relevant sources and provide guidance on how to best develop the Note. The NEs and Note writers meet frequently to discuss the progress of the Note. The NEs are responsible for editing the outlines and drafts and providing written feedback to the Note writers on their progress.
Symposium Editors (SEs):
The SEs plan ILR’s annual Symposium which features panels of scholars who present and discuss relevant topics in international law.
Finance & Marketing Editor (FME):
The FME is responsible for managing ILR subscriptions, managing ILRs accounts and overseeing marketing initiatives both internally and externally.
Online Editor (OE):
The OE oversees maintenance and operations of ILR’s website, social media presence and online resources. The OE collaborates closely with all positions to implement any changes to the website that may help improve its functionality and usefulness.
Publication Process
After selecting which Articles and Notes to publish, the Article Editors (AE) work with the authors to fine-tune the above-the-line text. Thereafter, the ILR Members and Managing Editors (ME) collect the cited sources, substantiate the claims, and edit the footnote citations. The Executive Production Editor (EPE) then completes a final review before sending each Issue to our printer.