Volume 50, Issue 4


Reflections of the United Nations Legal Counsel on the Work of The Office of Legal Affairs (PDF)
by Miguel de Serpa Soares


Heritage, Power, and Destiny: The Protection of Indigenous Heritage in International Investment Law and Arbitration (PDF)
by Valentina Vadi

Waging War and Staging Roundtables: Normative Spaces of Violence and Dialogue in Colombia’s Indigenous Lands (PDF)
by Marina Brilman

Defining a War Crime: Does the Department of Defense Law of War Manual Comply with the Rome Statute? (PDF)
by Natalie Reid, Frederick T. Davis, and Veronica R. Halek


Speaking Truth to Power: Criminal Defamation Before the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (PDF)
by Benjamin Herskovitz

China’s Stealthy Sovereignty: The Importance of Objective Opinio Juris (PDF)
by Madeline DiLascia